Thursday, September 17, 2009

The Other ME

“How could he even ask that to me?”
“You know, he was probably right. You are just looking it from a wrong perspective”
“But what if that was the perspective he used?”
“May be. But may be not. And it never hurts to look at the positive side”
“Did he even expect me to do such a thing? Doesn’t he know me?”
“He knows about you. And that is why he is asked. You do know that there is another way of looking at why do you refuse to do so?”
“Because that idea is what came to my mind first”
“And so did the other one”
“But why should I forsake an idea if it fits the bill”
“Because your views are biased. You want to look at the negative aspects of everything instead of enjoying the brighter side”
“I am just trying to be on the defensive. What if?”
“So why not think as “What if NOT?”. You may end up losing something good just because you were defensive”
“On the other hand, I will be just as much vulnerable. Don’t you know ‘Prevention is better than cure’”
“But a cure for what?? You think of cure only when you know a disease, want to fight a disease. You are practically blocking all nutrients so that no disease comes either.”
“How do we differentiate then? How do we know what to block and what not to?”
“Have you seen your body work? When a disease comes first, your body is not capable of fighting it. But during the course, it develops itself to fight the disease, thus bringing itself back to health and now also prepared for defense against it in future”
“So you think that I should get a few blows and then learn from it.”

“Failure is inevitable. The only question is ‘Does it beat you down or do u kick yourself back for defense’

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Effective Communication skills

This was one of the most boring subjects that I thought there ever could be. I mean, what was the problem in communication...Do we not communicate day in and day out ...24x365. And being engraved with the adage of 'practice makes it perfect', I thought, this must definitely be to make up the hours.

Alas, as it often happens, another adage brought fore its necessity....'Failure is the stepping stone to success'. But what happens if the failure cost you a couple of steps in your life and you gained one step in lieu of it..doesnt look like a good bargain huh? I realised that the failures would be much less if you already knew that someone tried and he had failed...And also if someone tried and succeeded, it is a good guide on 'How to climb the success ladder in your life'. Perhaps these are the things that I missed out on those classes. And to be honest, I am still learning how to effectively communicate..

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Curiosity kills the cat

Kids are told a story where a cat, curious as it was, met its end due to its curiosity. But does one draw a conclusion that curiosity is a bad thing??

The other day, I saw a child (about 2-3 yrs old) standing on a man sitting in a car (its ok, the car was stationary). Every time he tried to sit down, he inevitably pressed the horn and the sound emitted shook him up. As I watched, he did realize that the sound came only when he sat down, but he wouldn’t stop that till he figured out why it was so. Isn’t it the kind of curiosity that has propelled man from a beast to a highly intelligent species (although the use that is put to can be debated).

Have you ever noticed that this curiosity somewhat diminished as we age (I speak in general terms). Ever seen this kind of unrelenting pursuit of finding an answer to his dilemma from an old man? When a child asks a question, and the person does not know the answer, more often than not, the answer is ‘just because’. How many people endeavor to find the solution?

As each species have been gifted, we have been given the gift of thought and understanding. Lets not waste it.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

You think you should give up?

There has of course been innumerable articles and speeches and what not on this. We also have individuals who have withstood the opposing tides and came out victorious. We have witnessed quite some troublesome events, as a nation and even in the world; less ups and more downs, during recent times. But is it right in fretting about the misfortunes that have happened and ignore the beautiful and wonderful things that are interspersed in it.

Part of the attitude can be blamed on the media which is showing an increasing tendency these days to bloat up the misery and disasters; and guess what, joyful news, more often than not, are honored with that small corners which people may not notice. But let me clarify, lest we put the complete blame on media. As the chicken and egg paradigm, is the present attitude due to the media or is it in the inner self as a human being whose attitude is being shifted slowly. Why do we not see the white paper but the black dot present in its centre? Why do we care less about strife and poverty in those few wretched countries than the self-generated economic disaster? Why do we not see the peace and tranquility without war than fight over a few areas?