Wednesday, June 10, 2009

You think you should give up?

There has of course been innumerable articles and speeches and what not on this. We also have individuals who have withstood the opposing tides and came out victorious. We have witnessed quite some troublesome events, as a nation and even in the world; less ups and more downs, during recent times. But is it right in fretting about the misfortunes that have happened and ignore the beautiful and wonderful things that are interspersed in it.

Part of the attitude can be blamed on the media which is showing an increasing tendency these days to bloat up the misery and disasters; and guess what, joyful news, more often than not, are honored with that small corners which people may not notice. But let me clarify, lest we put the complete blame on media. As the chicken and egg paradigm, is the present attitude due to the media or is it in the inner self as a human being whose attitude is being shifted slowly. Why do we not see the white paper but the black dot present in its centre? Why do we care less about strife and poverty in those few wretched countries than the self-generated economic disaster? Why do we not see the peace and tranquility without war than fight over a few areas?