Friday, June 25, 2010

Advice to a Friend

"Hey, will everything be alright again?"

The simple question started to tear me apart. On one side, I wanted to console my depressed friend; but on the other, I had this deep urge to speak what I believe in. Things, when they go bad, have got a habit of leaving their scars behind. No matter how much you think the issue is resolved, all you have done is suppressed it. Few remain suppressed throughout, others raise their ugly heads when the time comes knocking. I had no heart to blurt out this inconvenient truth to my friend. I felt that I was burdening my friend with this belief of me rather than providing a shoulder to relax on.

I tried my level best to take a middle road. "Life, it seems, is never a smooth ride and I believe it should never be. Every endeavour of yours may not leave pleasantries behind it but a few sprout some thorns to hurt you. You may be a tortoise, curling into its shell at times of adversity; or a snail, prepared to walk on a razor's edge. It is upto you to not to get bled by the thorns but enjoy the beautiful rose that blossoms with it."

At the moment, I do not have any idea of what effect this chat had on my friend. Do not despair my friend, your downhill ride will definitely meet some acclivity down the road. Give time some time, and hope for the best.....